At last we have our English space

Hi everyone!

This is our English blog here in Mosteirón so first of all I am going to introduce myself: I am Ana, one of your teachers at this school.

Probably we are old friends but as a blogger I am really young so lets start step by step.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Old Macdonald

Our dear farmer Old Macdonald, helps us by showing his animals and his Farm. We know by heart, all their names and sounds.

What does the pig say?? OINK, OINK??

Three little pigs

Once upon a time there was a mother pig who had three little pigs. 

The three little pigs grew so big that their mother said to them
"You are too big to live here any longer. You must go and build houses for yourselves. But take care that the wolf does not catch you."

Friday 3 February 2017

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King Jr. was the most important voice of the American civil rights movement, which worked for equal rights for all. He was famous for using nonviolent resistance to overcome injustice, and he never got tired of trying to end segregation laws.

We have been working on his life trying to be on his shoes by watching videos, making crafts and talking a lot about him and his family.

We, all of us think that you have been really brave and we will never forget your powerful weapon: "Have Dreams"


January´s gone with the wind but we´ve been working on lots of interesting things with him
Let´s review!